letter to the editor

Voting for Sara Gideon

Mon, 10/19/2020 - 3:00pm

    Dear Editor:

    I want a U.S. Senator who protects me. Why should the greatest tax breaks benefit the wealthiest? What about struggling middle-class workers?

    Who will protect pre-existing conditions when the Affordable Care Act is heading for the chopping block?

    Who will truly be a moderate voice in the U.S Senate? 

    Social Security is not an entitlement — we pay into it. I want a senator who will fight to protect it for me and those who will follow.

    Shall I support a senator whose president accepts the strategy of herd immunity? No. That strategy will require a U.S. death count in the millions to be effective.

    My vote goes to Sara Gideon. I hope my choice of senator will become your choice and then she will be “our senator.”

    Linda Kristan
