From the editor

Be sure to vote

Wed, 10/28/2020 - 9:00am

    The maple and other trees’ leaves have mostly fallen but the mighty oak’s leaves, for the most part, are traditionally hanging on. It’s kind of like this year’s election. The fallen leaves represent the ballots already cast and the hanging leaves are the votes ready to be cast.

    I represent the fallen leaf, having voted last week to avoid the wait and to avoid a possible transmission of COVID-19. But I will miss witnessing the flurry of activity which happens at the polling station. Voting for a president is an exciting time, and this year’s election is sure to be just that and more. I first voted for president at age 21 in 1980 – a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over incumbent Jimmy Carter. Reagan won 480 electoral votes while Carter managed only 49.

    This year’s presidential election won’t be as one-sided as the one 40 years ago, and it will be interesting to see how the whole plot plays out, due to the expected claims of ballot fraud, missing ballots and more. Who knows when we will know who won. The U.S. Senate race between Sen. Susan Collins and Sara Gideon is expected to come down to the wire as well.

    In any case, I do hope you do your civic duty and vote (either early or on Nov. 3) – no matter which party or candidate you favor.

    And if you are still undecided, I can forward you the hundreds of emails we have received about the candidates in just the past few weeks!