letter to the editor

State of the Union address

Mon, 03/11/2024 - 4:30pm

Dear Editor:

Like many, I watched last week's State of the Union address. I was relieved by Biden’s physical and mental performance. As a septuagenarian I have had the opportunity to observe 14 administrations. Until recently, the message was for all Americans. The President, by his words and actions, recognized that he served every citizen. President Trump addresses maintained that standard.  We talk about a divided country but how did it happen? Attorney General Janet Reno voiced concerns about Christians and patriots, those people with anti-abortion and Second Amendment bumper stickers, then came Waco and Ruby Ridge. Later came Hillary’s infamous “Deplorables” speech. Now an angry President denounces MAGA’s, the 74 million people who voted for Trump, as anti-American and a threat to Democracy. Biden also threatened and attacked our Supreme Court.

Our government is carefully limited in power by three separate and equal branches of government as defined by the Constitution. The Supreme Court is charged with ensuring the government’s adherence to the documents. Presently Biden is ignoring our country’s laws and “ruling with his pen.” Congress is adrift, distracted, disengaged and complacent. The Justice Department is waging “lawfare” on the administration’s “enemies.” Now the Supreme Court is standing alone against tyranny. The left complains that Trump appointed “conservative” judges but that is exactly what our Founding Fathers wanted. If we are to remain free, the Constitution and rule of law must be respected. Anything less and “We the People” have surrendered our freedom.

Joe Grant
