Special Wiscasset town meeting will address zoning, overdraft

Wed, 09/02/2020 - 7:45am

    Wiscasset selectmen learned Tuesday, Sept. 1, a special town meeting will be needed to address an overdraft in the police budget and consider changes to the town’s shoreland zoning ordinance. The board put off setting a date until after the annual referendum election Tuesday, Sept. 8. Polls are open at Wiscasset Community Center from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

    Town Manager Dennis Simmons noted the police department’s 2019-2020 budget of $435,541 was overdrafted $5,888. It was the only line over budget, he told the board in the meeting at WCC. The shoreland zoning article was inadvertently left off the warrant, added Simmons.

    Unexpended funds from the 2019-2020 budget totaled $640,508. The board approved Simmons’ request to carry forward $153,229 of those monies to this year’s budget, including $56,500 for contractual services, $20,000 for the comprehensive plan, $15,000 for pier repairs and $28,700 for planning and development, the planning funds having been raised last year but never used.

    The new select board will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, to elect a chairman and vice chairman and set the date for the special town meeting.

    The board amended its sewer abatement appeal policy. The change allows the treatment plant supervisor to review abatement requests and forward them with his recommendation to the select board to consider.

    The meeting was the last one for Chairman Judy Colby. She choose not to seek another term. She has served on the select board since 2016. “It’s been a rough couple of years but I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” she said. Her select board peers said her leadership will be missed.

    Simmons announced the town got a $7,500 Shore and Harbor Planning Grant from the Department  of Marine Resources for an engineering study for expansion of the town pier. The board accepted the grant with the understanding the town must contribute $2,500 toward the study. The board approved a request Terry Heller made  to hold a picnic Sunday, Sept. 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the town common in front of First Congregational Church. Attendance is limited to 100 with social distancing recommendations followed.

    Committee appointments included Jason Putnam to the Ordinance Review Committee and Zachary Gray to the Comprehensive Planning Committee. The board accepted “with regret” the resignation of Frederick Quivey from the Investment Committee. Selectman Jeff Slack said Quivey served a number of years and his input had been greatly appreciated.

    The board approved new business licenses for Elizabeth Clinton, dba Birch Point Dog Spa, 83 Birch Point, and Matthew Dorsey, dba Barbarian Barbeque, 68 Clarks Point Road.

    Selectmen’s next regular meeting is at 5 p.m. Sept. 15.